1. My Jesus!! I love Him so much and I continue to fall more in love with Him every day.
2. I love women's bible study! I love my Sunday School class and church but there's just something special about women's bible study.
3. I love Hawaii! This is one of my favorite places this side of heaven. I love the sun, the beaches, the colors. the beautiful flowers, the beautiful fish, and the culture.
4. I love mountains - the Great Smokey Mountains in particular.
5. I love to travel - any mode of travel. I like driving alone to visit my family as well as regular vacation trips. I love visiting new places and sightseeing.
6. I love walking with my girls. They are so caring, kind, and helpful and we are such great support for each other.
7. I love volunteering. I love to help others and I can't wait to finish school so I'll have more time to volunteer at our church and the church's Community Center.
So, it's done. I'm sure there are others but I'm not very good at things like this so this will have to do. Besides, I don't think anybody reads my blog anyway. (-: