Saturday, January 10, 2009

3 DOWN, 32 TO GO

  I just finished 2 incredible Intercession classes.  One was Adoption Issues & Answers and I learned so much.  I discovered that there is a huge need for adoptive parents right here in the United States, that there are birth mothers looking for "forever families" to love their babies.  The feelings I had about birth mothers from the experience my children had with Jaxon's have now changed - it seems that the majority of birth mothers are not like her.  I learned about foster parents and how difficult it is for children in DHS foster care.  I just want to take them all in and love on them.  I need to do something to help these children when I graduate.  The other class was Children and Grief and was full of information about helping children with the losses in their lives.  Whether it's from the death of a loved one or from divorce, children still grieve and need help dealing with their grief.  It shouldn't hurt to be a child but too often it does. The LORD has blessed me with an incredible family and has filled me with so much love that I need to lavish it on someone.  I am continually amazed at my Father's goodness and mercy and I want to share it with His littlest lambs.  I love my children and nanchildren so much that sometimes I think I will explode from it.  It doesn't matter whether or not I've given birth to them or if they've married into my family or been adopted into my family.  I LOVE THEM!!  And I know that the LORD has given me this love for them.  Thank you, Jesus, for these precious children and nanchildren!!!  Help me to know what You want me to do with all this love inside me.  I LOVE YOU!!! 


  1. holy stink pile! you made a post! awesome! now i have to go read it.

  2. hhmmm... what to do, what to do.... maybe a CASA? hhhmmm... what to do.....
    love you! (oh, yeah, our adoption experience was unique... but really, if it didn't work out that way, Jax would have gone into foster care... God had a reason for it to work this way though)
